понедельник, 6 декабря 2010 г.

Killers of Bismarck. British Navy Battleships NELSON and RODNEY.

Awkward, with unusual, even cutting the eye silhouette, these ships can hardly be called handsome, but they were considered a symbol of the sea power of Britain in the twenties-thirties of last century. And rightly so - before the start of WWII, "Rodney" and "Nelson" had no equal in firepower and protection. Even after the onset of the next generation of battleships, they remained in the first line - it is guns, "Rodney's" set point in the fate of the German super battleship Bismarck.

Military career of these ships has been extremely busy - from the first days of war, they were very little time in military base, refuting the conventional wisdom that the battleships de fighting "by its very existence", settled in secure parking. "Rodney" and "Nelson" hunting for German raiders, escorted convoys in the Atlantic and the Arctic, fire their guns - the most powerful in the British Navy - kept landing on the continent, and "Nelson" had to war and on the Pacific Ocean.

This book describes in some detail the design, construction and combat service unique battleships "Rodney" and "Nelson." Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they were the only ship of its class, in which the tower of the main fire had been concentrated only on the nose. This was due to severe restrictions on tonnage.

The book reads in one breath, to be honest did not expect from a book about the ship. Details on the design of ships, including the design of battlecruisers similar architecture. There is a description of the service battleships before and during WWII, there are drawings, diagrams, photos, fairly high quality.
Of the shortcomings I note the almost complete absence of narrative about the construction of ships and only two options for coloring, are listed on the second page of the cover (for Rodney only). In addition, all the same I used to think murderers "Bismarck" torpedo from the Arc Royal and Rodney and King George V have in fact two of his finished off. In some ways, again, of course, "Rodney" and "Nelson" is not as well known as the same "Bismarck", and do not have such a long history as battleships such as Iowa, but the ship in many ways unique, and the book is well written.

I recommend!

Killers of Bismarck. British Navy Battleships NELSON and RODNEY at Bonanza
Killers of Bismarck. British Navy Battleships NELSON and RODNEY at eBay

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